Thieves’ Market presentations are a tradition within rheumatology where a unique case is presented and the audience is challenged either with diagnosis or management of a complicated patient. The goal is to help us all in our ongoing journey to become discerning diagnosticians and thoughtful practitioners.
A successful Thieves’ Market case submission to the VSR will be:
-A well-rehearsed “polished” presentation
-Stimulating and engaging to the audience
-A real case with high educational value and a teaching point
The winner will receive a certificate along with monetary prizes of $400 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place. The first place winner will also receive one free night at the hotel for the VSR 2026 meeting. In addition, the presentation will be highlighted on the VSR website as this year’s winner. Click here to see the 2024 winners!
-Only trainees (medical students, residents, fellows) are eligible for submission
-All trainees must have a faculty mentor
-To encourage participation of multiple levels of training, it is allowable to have multiple authors
Additional guidelines can be found below. The deadline for submissions is June 30th, 2025. Submit your cases today!
ThievesMarket2025 (pdf)